Trauma-informed Yoga
Trauma-informed Yoga is a didactic approach, an inner posture the facilitator needs to develop rather than „a different kind of Yoga practice“.
Trauma may happen in all kinds of overwhelming situations that make us feel helpless, powerless, exposed to threat without the option to escape, hide or protect ourselves. Trauma happens in the moment when we loose trust in the world, when our believe that we will be taken care of and supported is getting compromised. This is the case in interrelational trauma, meaning mental/emotional wounds that occured in the scope of (mostly early) relationships. Not only are we „social beings“ - our brains are wired to create relationships, they are crucial for our development and wellbeing. But also, when we come to this world, we are in such a vulnerable and dependent state. As newborns/children we need the support of our caregivers in everything we do. Disruptions in these early relationships may have a profound impact on how we think about ourselves, the world, the people around us. On how safe we feel in our bodies, on how much we feel capable of regulating our feelings and taking care of ourselves when we are older.
Some tools used in trauma-informed Yoga are invitational language, choice, interoception (What do I feel in my body?) and agency (What do I want to do with my body?).One main aspect is the openness of the practice towards different experiences (rather than assuming that you want to feel relaxed/challenged/joyfu). Through this recognition of the individual experience of each participant (facilitator included), power inequalities can be reduced. I, as a facilitator, have no interest nor the right to tell you what to do or not to do, how the shape should look like in your body etc. Feeling overpowered is the main mechanism of Trauma. But when we are practicing together, we create the space and experience together. We are the same but not the same. Every individual has their own experience and yet we are connected through attunement to others and ourselves.
I did my Trauma-sensitive Yoga Training (300 hrs) with The Center for Trauma and Embodiment at JRI, USA. If you want to find out more about their amazing work, feel free to check out their website.
Trauma-informiertes Yoga kann eine Gelegenheit sein, Erfahrungen zu sammeln …
Ein sicherer Ort
Ein Raum zur Selbsterkundung
Ich darf alles sein, was kommt. Ich muss mich nicht verändern/besser machen/anders aussehen/äußeren Erwartungen anpassen. Ich werde nicht kontrolliert, überwältigt, abgewertet (= Verringerung der äußeren Bedrohung)
Ich kann mich in mir selbst, in meinem Körper sicher fühlen. Ich kann mich mit dem verbinden, was in mir vorgeht, ich muss es nicht unterdrücken oder ausblenden. Ich finde vielleicht ein Selbstgefühl, das mir gehört, nur mir. Ich kann wählen, was ich tun möchte, basierend darauf, wie ich mich fühle (= in Kontakt mit einer inneren Bedrohung kommen).
Eine sichere Beziehung
Ich werde nicht alleingelassen. Ich habe die Möglichkeit, in einer Gemeinschaft aufeinander eingespielter Menschen ein gemeinsames Erlebnis zu erleben. Ich werde nicht alleingelassen. Meine Bedürfnisse werden (so gut es geht) erfüllt und nicht ignoriert (= Beziehung zu sich selbst und anderen erleben).